Friday, April 04, 2014

Poker: Financial results for March 2014


Monthly target was:
- Play 400 cash hands on NLHE $0.10 6-max (1 table Speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 400 cash hands on PLO  $0.10 6-max (1 table speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even  (Pokerstars)
- Play 8 MTT with target of breaking even (Coral and Pokerstars)

Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars  :  -$ 81.58
Coral       :  -£  5.27
Live play   :  -£ 30.00

Pokerstars results break down as follows:

Cash results (-$ 81.58 overall)
8 Game           ($0.40)              -$ n/a
NLHE Zoom        ($0.10)   428 hands  -$ 13.23
PLO Zoom         ($0.10)   463 hands  -$ 55.41
NLO8 Mobile Zoom ($0.02)   338 hands  -$ 14.49
NLO8 Mobile Zoom ($0.10)    32 hands  +$  1.55

Tournament Results (-$0 overall)

Coral results break down as follows:

Cash results (-£ 5.27 overall)
NLHE     ($0.10)   59 hands  -$ 5.27

Tournament Results (+£ 0.00 overall)

For the live game, it was a Farnborough trip again.    This time I was pretty steady and made the final table.  A couple of bad hands and I'm out in 6th (4 paid) so a little disappointing again, but nice to run deep.

Pokerstars results were also a little disappointing.  I'm pretty happy about most of my play, but just need to work out how to get more consistancy with my PLO game.   The NLHE seems to  be fairly OK overall and the Omaha HL is (meant to be) just a bit of occasional fun....

I haven't done anything much on Coral yet.... did play a couple of MTT with my introductory free chips but that was about it really. 

March was actually a funny ol' month, as work seemed to be draining me so I didn't feel in the right frame of mind to play after work some days.  It's quietened down a bit now, so hope will be back to my normal self and get back into the normal routine again for April.   Of course days off, Easter and Mother-in-law in hospital will eat into my Poker playing time so will have to see how it goes

April 2014 Targets

Monthly target for April will be:
- Play 400 cash hands on NLHE $0.10 6-max (2 table Zoom) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 400 cash hands on PLO  $0.10 6-max (2 table Zoom or maybe switch to normal tables) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even  (Pokerstars)
- Play 8 MTT with target of breaking even (Coral and Pokerstars)

Strategic Objectives for 2014
*  Break even on all cash games
*  Play Mobile ZOOM only at $0.02 stakes and even then as little as possible
*  Try to play MTT more regularly
*  Commit less to the online festivals

End of 2013 review
January 2014
February 2014

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